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Zespół: Evergrey
- wieści z tagiem Evergrey (48)
- terminy koncertów Evergrey (2)
- w wieściach
wywiady: (2)
- Evergrey (7.05.2010)- Evergrey (29.03.2006)
relacje z koncertów Evergrey: (1)
- Evergrey, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Edgend, Kraków "Loch Ness" 18.05.2010 (22.05.2010)galeria zdjęć z koncertów Evergrey: (8)
- Evergrey, Warszawa "Progresja Music Zone" 21.10.2016 (25.10.2016)- Evergrey, Kraków "Kwadrat" 20.10.2016 (22.10.2016)
- Evergrey, Katowice "Spodek" 27.06.2015 (29.06.2015)
- Evergrey, Agent Steel ("Sweden Rock Festival 2011"), Solvesborg 10.06.2011 (2.07.2011)
- Evergrey, Kraków "Studio" 6.05.2011 (8.05.2011)
- Evergrey, Kraków "Loch Ness" 18.05.2010 (19.05.2010)
- Sweden Rock Festival 2006 (Arch Enemy, Evergrey, Kamelot), Szwecja, Solvesborg 9.06.2006 (30.01.2007)
- Therion, Evergrey, Kraków "Klub 38" 4.12.2001 (11.06.2002)
recenzje płyt Evergrey: (3)
- Evergrey "Solitude, Dominance, Tragedy" (21.04.2000)- Evergrey "The Inner Circle" (30.09.2004)
- Evergrey "Torn" (20.04.2011)
dyskografia Evergrey: (14)
- Evergrey "Theories of Emptiness" (7.06.2024)- Evergrey "A Heartless Portrait (The Orphean Testament)" (20.05.2022)
- Evergrey "Before the Aftermath (Live in Gothenburg)" (28.01.2022)
- Evergrey "Escape of the Phoenix" (26.02.2021)
- Evergrey "The Atlantic" (25.01.2019)
- Evergrey "Hymns For The Broken" (26.09.2014)
- Evergrey "Glorious Collision" (22.02.2011)
- Evergrey "Torn" (2008)
- Evergrey "The Inner Circle" (2004)
- Evergrey "I'm Sorry" (2003)
- Evergrey "Recreation Day" (2003)
- Evergrey "A Night To Remember, Live 2004" (2001)
- Evergrey "Inner Circle" (2001)
- Evergrey "Solitude, Dominance, Tragedy" (2000)
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