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Zespół: Black Sabbath
- wieści z tagiem Black Sabbath (58)
- terminy koncertów Black Sabbath (1)
- w wieściach
relacje z koncertów Black Sabbath: (3)
- Black Sabbath, Reignwolf, Łódź "Atlas Arena" 11.06.2014 (16.06.2014)- Black Sabbath, Łódź "Atlas Arena" 11.06.2014 (12.06.2014)
- Black Sabbath, Pantera, Deftones, Toronto "SkyDome" 9.02.1999 (12.06.1999)
recenzje płyt Black Sabbath: (17)
- Black Sabbath "13" (17.06.2013)- Black Sabbath "Black Sabbath" (25.11.2000)
- Black Sabbath "Born Again" (11.09.2007)
- Black Sabbath "Born Again" (28.04.2010)
- Black Sabbath "Dehumanizer" (28.05.2012)
- Black Sabbath "Heaven And Hell" (5.05.1998)
- Black Sabbath "Heaven And Hell" (18.06.2012)
- Black Sabbath "Live... Gathered In Their Masses" (9.06.2014)
- Black Sabbath "Master Of Reality" (26.12.2000)
- Black Sabbath "Mob Rules" (7.11.2000)
- Black Sabbath "Never Say Die!" (27.04.2012)
- Black Sabbath "Paranoid" (26.12.2000)
- Black Sabbath "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" (6.02.2001)
- Black Sabbath "Sabotage" (23.04.2001)
- Black Sabbath "Technical Ecstasy" (11.03.2012)
- Black Sabbath "Tyr" (29.02.2012)
- Black Sabbath "Volume 4" (15.01.2001)
dyskografia Black Sabbath: (32)
- Black Sabbath "Live... Gathered In Their Masses" (26.11.2013)- Black Sabbath "13" (10.06.2013)
- Black Sabbath "Cross Purposes" (2002)
- Black Sabbath "Forbidden" (2002)
- Black Sabbath "Live At Last" (2002)
- Black Sabbath "Live Evil" (2002)
- Black Sabbath "Past Lives" (2002)
- Black Sabbath "Seventh Star" (2002)
- Black Sabbath "The Black Sabbath Story Vol 1" (2002)
- Black Sabbath "The Black Sabbath Story Vol 2" (2002)
- Black Sabbath "The Eternal Idol" (2002)
- Black Sabbath "Vol 4" (2002)
- Black Sabbath "1970-1978" (2001)
- Black Sabbath "The Last Supper" (2001)
- Black Sabbath "The Best Of Black Sabbath" (2000)
- Black Sabbath "The Singles 6cd" (2000)
- Black Sabbath "Under Wheels Of Confussion" (1996)
- Black Sabbath "Between Heaven And Hell" (1995)
- Black Sabbath "Dehumanizer" (1992)
- Black Sabbath "Tyr" (1990)
- Black Sabbath "The Sabbath Collection" (1985)
- Black Sabbath "Born Again" (1983)
- Black Sabbath "Mob Rules" (1981)
- Black Sabbath "Heaven And Hell" (1980)
- Black Sabbath "Never Say Die!" (1976)
- Black Sabbath "Technical Ecstasy" (1976)
- Black Sabbath "Sabotage" (1975)
- Black Sabbath "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" (1973)
- Black Sabbath "Volume 4" (1972)
- Black Sabbath "Master Of Reality" (1971)
- Black Sabbath "Paranoid" (1970)
- Black Sabbath "Black Sabbath" (1970)
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