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tabulatury: Six Feet Under "Silent Violance"

*                                SIX FEET UNDER                              *
*                              - H  A U N T E D -                            *
*                             " Silent  Violence "                           *
*                 - Philipe Holstner by night do it for you -                *
* Six Feet Under are :  GREG GALL - drums                                    *
*                                 CHRIS BARNES - lead and backing voises     *
*                       ALLEN WEST - rhythm and lead guitar                  *
*                                 TERRY BUTLER - bass                        *
*             All music and lyrics - ALLEN WEST and CHRIS BARNES             *
*                   Guitar Transcription by Philipe Holstner                 *


e |------------------------------||
h |------------------------------||
g |------------------------------||
d |--------------------------2---||
a |--3--1-----1--3--1-----1--2---||
e |--3--1--4--1--3--1--4--1--0---||

Riff 1
e |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
h |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
g |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
d |-2----------------2----------------2----------------2--------------------|
a |-2----------------2----------------2----------------2---------3--1-----1-|
e |-0-0-0--0--0-0-0--0-0-0--0--0-0-0--0-0-0--0--0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-3--1--4--1-|

Riff 2

e |--------------------------|--------------------------| x2
h |--------------------------|--------------------------|
g |--------------------------|--------------------------|
d |--7-7--5-5--4-4-----------|--7-7--5-5--4-4-----------|
a |--5-5--3-3--2-2----3-4-5--|--5-5--3-3--2-2----3-5-2--|
e |-------------------3-4-5--|-------------------3-5-2--|

Riff 1
Riff 2

Riff 3

e |---------------------------|--------------------------| x4
h |---------------------------|--------------------------|
g |---------------------------|--------------------------|
d |--2-2------2-2--2----------|--2-2------2-2--2---------|
a |--2-2---5--2-2--2---5\6-5--|--2-2---5--2-2--2--8-7-5--|
e |--0-0---3--0-0--0---3\4-3--|--0-0---3--0-0--0--6-5-3--|

Riff 2
Riff 1
Riff 2
Riff 1


e |------------------------------||
h |------------------------------||
g |------------------------------||
d |--------------------------2---||
a |--3--1-----1--3--1-----1--2---||
e |--3--1--4--1--3--1--4--1--0---||

*       Philip Holstner do it for you, my adress (      *
*                           -  The End Complete  -                           *
* 1997.05.6. Jesli cos ci sie nie podoba zmien, moze bedzie blizsze orginalu *