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tabulatury: Megadeth "Symphony Of Destruction"

*                               M E G A D E T H                          =
*                S Y M P H O N Y  O F  D E S T R U C T I O N             =
*                                     by                                 =
*                                DAVE MUSTAINE                           =
*         From Megadeth`s Capitol release COUNTDOWN TO EXTINCTION        =
*                      Transcription by Philipe Holstner                 =
* MegadetH are :  DAVE MUSTAINE - lead and rythm guitar and lead vocals  =
*                          MARTY FRIEDMAN - lead, rhytm and acoustic =
guitar  *
*                 NICK MENZA - drums and backing vocals                  =
*                          DAVID ELLEFSON - bass guitars and backing =
vocals  *
* WARNING : Ten utwor jest tak wypierdolisty iz wymiekam. Po solo palce =
do   *
*           wymiany, a caly utwor mnie rozpierdala, a wiec do wiosel.... =
*           and THRASH IT....:))))                                       =

A - Intro
    Gitara 1 i 2

T e |------------------|------------------|-------------------------|
  h |------------------|------------------|-------------------------|
A g |------------------|------------------|-------------------------|
  d |------------------|------------------|-------------------------|
B a |------------------|--3--2---2--------|--3--2---2---------------|
  e |---------1--3--1--|--1--0---0--------|--1--0---0------1--3--1--|

B - 1, 2 i 3 Wers

                       1. You take a motral man,
                       2. Actin` like a robot,
                       3. The earth starts to rumble,

T e =

  h =

A g =

  d =

B a =

  e =

       and put him in control.                              Watch him =
       it`s metal brain corrodes.                           You try to =
       world powers fall                                We`re all in for =
T e |-----------------|--------|--------------|----------------------|
  h |-----------------|--------|--------------|----------------------|
A g |-----------------|--------|--------------|----------------------|
  d |-----------------|--------|--------------|----------------------|
B a |--3--2---2-------|--------|--3--2---2----|--3--2---2------------|
  e |--1--0---0-------|--------|--1--0---0----|--1--0---0---1--3--1--|

       a god,                            -  e |---------------------||
       his pulse,                        -  h |---------------------||
       heavens.                          -  g |---------------------||
                                         -  d |---------------------||
                                         -  a |--3--2---2-----------||
                                         -  e |--1--0---0-----------||
                                            watch peoples heads a roll
                                            before the head  explodes.
                                            A peaceful man stands tall
T e =

  h =

A g =

  d =

B a =

  e =

                                         - e |---------------------||
                                         - h |---------------------||
                                         - g |---------------------||
                                         - d |-----------------2---||
                                         - a |-----------------2---||
                                         - e |----------0--0-------||
     18                                    24
T e |---------------0--1--0------| x6 - e |--------------------------|
  h |----------------------------|    - h |--------------------------|
A g |---------------0--2--0------|    - g |--------------------------|
  d |-----1-----0-------------2--|    - d |-----1-----5\2\-----------|
B a |-----1-----0-------------2--|    - a |-----1-----5\2\--------5--|
  e |--0-----0-------------------|    - e |--0-----0--------0--0-----|

                         A roll,             Pied     Piper
                       Stands tall.

                                      - e |--------------------------||
                                      - h |--------------------------||
                                      - g |--------------------------||
                                      - d |--------------------------||
                                      - a |--------------------------||
                                      - e |--7--6--5--4--3--2--1--0--||

                                             led          rats
T e |-----------------|----------------------|----------------|
  h |-----------------|----------------------|----------------|
A g |-----------------|----------------------|----------------|
  d |--9------8-------|--7--0---6------------|-----5----4-----|
B a |--7------7-------|--7-------------7-----|-----3----------|
  e |--------------0--|-------------------7\-|--0----------0--|

  through  the streets.               - e |--------------------------||
                                      - h |--------------------------||
                                      - g |--------------------------||
                                      - d |--7----5--4---------------||
                                      - a |--5----------5------------||
                                      - e |----------------7---------||

  * e |--------------------------|| *
  * h |--------------------------|| *
  * g |--------------------------|| *
  * d |-----5-------4--5---------|| *
  * a |-----3--------------------|| *
  * e |--0-----------------0-----|| *

T e =

  h =

A g =

  d =

B a =

  e =

       struction,                                       symphony,

T e |---------------|-----------------------||----------------------|
  h |---------------|-----------------------||----------------------|
A g |---------------|---------------------.-||----------------------|
  d |---------------|---------------------.-||--7--7--7--7--7---7\--|
B a |--3--2---2-----|--3--2---2-------------||--5--5--5--5--5---5\--|
  e |--1--0---0-----|--1--0---0---1--3--1---||----------------------|

    Just like the pied piper      led rats         through the streets

     37 Gitata 2
T e =
  h =
A g =
  d =
B a =
  e =
     37 Gitara 1
T e =
  h =
A g =
  d =
B a =
  e =

           Dance  like  a marionette,           swayin`   to the =

T e |--------------|----------------|--------------|-------------------|
  h |--------------|----------------|--------------|-------------------|
A g |----7---6-----|--5----4--------|----4---2-----|--7----4--2--------|
  d |--------------|----------6-----|--------------|-------------4-----|
B a |--------------|-------------7--|--------------|----------------5--|
  e |--0--------0--|----------------|--0--------0--|-------------------|
    |                                                                  |
T e |--------------|----------------|--------------|-------------------|
  h |--------------|----------------|--------------|-------------------|
A g |--------------|----------------|--------------|-------------------|
  d |----9---8-----|--7-8---6-------|----5---4-----|--7--5--4----------|
B a |----7---7-----|------7---7-----|----3---------|--5--------5-------|
  e |--0--------0--|------------7---|--0--------0--|--------------7----|

T e |--------------|----------------||---------------------------------|
  h |--------------|----------------||---------------------------------|
A g |----4---2-----|----------------||-9---(9)-------------------------|
  d |--------------|--7-7-7-7-7-----||---------------------------------|
B a |--------------|--5-5-5-5-5-----||---------------------------------|
  e |--0--------0--|----------------||---------------------------------|
    |                                                                  |
T e |--------------|----------------||---------------------------------|
  h |--------------|----------------||---------------------------------|
A g |--------------|-------------2--||---1---0-------------2-----------|
  d |-----5--4-----|--7-7-7-7-7--2--||---1---0-------------2-----------|
B a |-----3--------|--5-5-5-5-5-----||---------------------------------|
  e |--0--------0--|----------------||-0---0-------0---0---------------|

     48                                                  full
T e =
  h =
A g =

  d =

B a =

  e =

                    =B31/2     1/2\
     51 /Full/ /1/4/        /   =B3
T e =
  h =
A g =
  d =
B a =
  e =

T e =
  h =
A g =
  d =
B a =
  e =

     57                                                                  =
            full                                          1/4
T e =
  h =
A g =
  d =
B a =
  e =

     60       1/4          full                             full/\/\/\   =
         full             full             full
T e =
  h =
A g =
  d =
B a =
  e =
     62              full             =B3       \
T e =
  h =
A g =
  d =
B a =
  e =
    | Gitara 2                                      |                    =
                    |                                              ||
T e =
  h =
A g =
  d =
B a =
  e =
             symphony                              of            =
T e =
  h =
A g =
  d =
B a =
  e =

*           Slowa tez sa wyjebiste wiec je macie wraz z TRANSLATE,       =
*              a wszystko przez pierdolona polityke.... POWER.           =
*                                                                        =
* English version:                                                       =
* ----------------                                                       =
*                                                                        =
* You take a mortal man put him in control                               =
* Watch him become a god, watch peoples heads a`roll, a`roll...          =
*                                                                        =
* Chorus                                                                 =
* Just like the Pied Piper led rats through the streets                  =
* We dance like marionettes, swaying to the Symphony..Of Destruction     =
*                                                                        =
* Acting like a robot, it`s metal brain corrodes                         =
* You try to take it`s pulse, before the head explodes, explodes...      =
*                                                                        =
* Chorus                                                                 =
* Just like the Pied Piper led rats through the streets                  =
* We dance like marionettes, swaying to the Symphony..Of Destruction     =
*                                                                        =
* The earth starts to rumble, world powers fall                          =
* A warring for the heavens, a peaceful man stands tall, tall...         =
*                                                                        =
* Chorus                                                                 =
* Just like the Pied Piper led rats through the streets                  =
* We dance like marionettes, swaying to the Symphony..Of Destruction     =
*                                                                        =
*                                                                        =
* I oczywiscie polska wersja jezykowa:                                   =
* ------------------------------------                                   =
*                                                                        =
* Wez zwyklego smiertelnika i daj mu wladze                              =
* Patrz jak staje sie bogiem, patrz jak zaczynaja toczyc sie ludzkie =
glowy,  *
* jak zaczynaja sie toczyc                                               =
*                                                                        =
* Refren                                                                 =
* Tak samo jak Pied Piper wyprowadzil z miasta szczury                   =
* Tanczymy jak marionetki kolyszac sie w rytm Symfonii..Zniszczenia      =
*                                                                        =
* Dziala jak robot, ktoremu rdzewieje metalowy mozg                      =
* Probujesz zmierzyc mu puls zanim glowa eksploduje, eksploduje....      =
*                                                                        =
* Refren                                                                 =
* Tak samo jak Pied Piper wyprowadzil z miasta szczury                   =
* Tanczymy jak marionetki kolyszac sie w rytm Symfonii..Zniszczenia      =
*                                                                        =
* Ziemia zaczyna huczec, upadaja potegi swiata                           =
* Wojny wypowiedziane niebiosom, spokojny czlowiek stoi niewzruszenie, =
*                                                                        =
* Refren                                                                 =
* Tak samo jak Pied Piper wyprowadzil z miasta szczury                   =
* Tanczymy jak marionetki kolyszac sie w rytm Symfonii..Zniszczenia      =
*                                                                        =
*                                                                        =
*                                                                        =
*       Philip Holstner do it for you, my adress (   =
*                           -  The End Complete  -                       =
*               1997.05.23. Nie jestem pewien solo, reszta lyka.         =
*                    When thrashing gets out of control..                =