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tabulatury: Iron Maiden "The Trooper"

		The Trooper solo
		   Iron Maiden

Key to Tab:

15b(17) 	Finger note on 15th fret and bend up to pitch
		of note in brackets.
14b(16)r14	Same as above except bend is released back to
		stated pitch.
/15		Slide up to a note.
17\		Slide down from a note.
9~		Vibrato or shake.
5h8		Hammer On.
17p15		Pull Off.
5h7p5tr.	Trill-repeated hammers and pulls.
7t16    	7th fret fingered with left hand and 16th fret tapped
		with right hand.
P.H.		Pinch Harmonic.
NH		Natural Harmonic.

                  The Trooper(Solo's)

              by Iron Maiden(Steve Harris)

       Copied by Eddie Breslin(
Solo 1: Adrian Smith
   E5                             D5

           B5                                   C5        D5

        E5                                              D5



                     C5          D5      E5


                     C5   *With harmony(see end of post)
                     E5                         Harmony ends *

   B5                                  C5                  D5

Solo 2: Dave Murray
  (D5)   A5                                  G5

            E5                      F5   G5

   A5                                G5

             E5                                  F5

   G5                          A5

|--13--12--13--12--12---------/10-----------10--13b(15)-HOLD BEND-|

                E5             F5      G5

                  A5                                    G5


   F5             D5 G5 D5

Harmony for Solo 1:

