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tabulatury: Behemoth "In Thy Pandemaeternum"

********************************* PLEASE NOTE ********************************
 This file is the author's own work and represents his interpretation of the
 song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship or research.
                 *      BEHEMOTH:IN THY PANDEMAETERNUM      *
                 * Transcribed by:Piotr Franaszczuk(Poland) *
                 *               Date:30-03-98              *

        F5          C5       Cis/Des5       G          F5-2      Fis/Ges5
   * | | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | | * | | | | | * | | |
   |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-|
   | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | | | | | | |
   |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-|
   | * * | | | | | * * | | | | * * | | | | * * | | | | | * | | | | | * | |
   |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-|
   | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
   |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-| |-|-|-|-|-|
   1 3 4         1 3 4       1 3 4       1 3 4 2       1 3         1 3
      (3)           (3)         (3)
   Some people use the third finger while holding Power Chords,but in my
   opinion using also the small one makes finger evolutions easier.

 p - pull off
 h - hammer on
 \ - slide down
 ^ - interrupted note
 . - palm mute
 * - see comment near the tab

  Riff A1:               Riff A1(modified)
  F5                     F5
 Riff A2:
 F5          Fis5     F5           Fis5
|3-----------------4--3------------------4-|<=Let cease
|3-----------------4--3------------------4-|<=these notes
I'm not sure if A2 sounds ideal,so instead one you may play A1 twice,but let
cease notes at the end of Riff A1 the second time (like in Riff A2).

 Riff B:
 F5                             F5-2                 F5

 continuation of Riff B:
    F5-2                  F5                            F5-2

 continuation of Riff B:
 F5                       F5-2
|------------------------------------------------|Remember to keep the left
|-------------------------333---3336665555533333-|hand in relevant position,
|3-----444333-------333------333-----------------|Riff B will be easier
|3---------------------444-----------------------|to play.

 Riff C1:
          F5                    F5
 Filling C:
|------------|See the song structure in order to know when to play Filling C.
|3-----2-----|Filling C and beginning of Riff C1 have the same lenght.
 . . . . . .

  Riff C2:
          F5                   F5-2

 Riff D:                                          Riff E:
F5*   F5 *  F5*   F5C5  Cis5                      F5
|----------------------------|                   |--------------------------|
|----------------------------|                   |--------------------------|
|-553----665--553---5--56--6-|*=Keep left hand in|--------------------------|
|3---4333---43---4335---6----|F5-2 chord position|3------11-----------------|
|3----333----3----333-3-4-4--|                   |3-----4--443444333--------|
|1----111----1----11---------|                   |1--111------------2222222-|

 Riff F1:
 F5  F5-2     F5  F5-2     F5  F5-2     G
|--------------------------------------------4-----------|Use the small
|----333555-------666555-------333555---5--5---6-5-3h5p3-|finger while
|3---------4443---------3333---------4443----------------|hammering-on and

 Riff F2:
 F5  F5-2     F5  F5-2     F5  F5-2     G
|--------------------------------------------44----------|Use the small
|----333555-------666555-------333555---5--5----6-5p3----|finger while

 Riff F3:
 F5  F5-2     F5  F5-2     F5  F5-2     G
|--------------------------------------------------------|Use the small
|----333555-------666555-------333555---5--5-6\5--3------|finger while
|3---------4443---------3333---------4443----------------|sliding down.

Riff F1,Riff F2 and Riff F3 have the same lenght.

Here's the omposition's structure:
Riff A1*2
Riff A2
Riff B
Riff C1*5 (The last time instead of beginning of Riff C1 play Filling C)
Riff C2+C1+C2
Riff D*4
Riff F1*4
Riff E*4
Riff A1(modified)*4
Riff (C1+C2)*3 (The first time instead of beginning of Riff C1 play Filling C)
Riff D*4
Riff F2+F3
Riff A1(modified)*6 (This part doesn't occur in original recording.There is
  only one guitarist in Behemoth,and at the end he is playing solo with 
  moaning tones using vibrato,however the bass guitar plays like in Riff A1
  and Riff A2.When you are playing this song without bass accompany,it's
  better to play Riff A1 instead of solo.)

Listen to the original recording in order to catch the relevant timing.It is
avaivable on the latest LP of Behemoth-"PANDEMONIC INCANTATIONS"from
Solistitium Rec.(Germany).I hope that playing this composition will be
a pleasure for you-at last Adas Darski (guit/voc in Behemoth) managed to
compose something really good.S T A Y  B R U T A L ! ! ! Piotr.