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galeria: My Sleeping Karma ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 9.11.2018
12.11.2018 autor: Verghityax
wystąpili: My Sleeping Karma; Weedpecker; Palm Desert; Black Salvation; Ciolkowska; Ignu
miejsce, data: Kraków, Zet Pe Te, 9.11.2018
miejsce, data: Kraków, Zet Pe Te, 9.11.2018
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Zobacz inne zdjęcia
- Palm Desert ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 9.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Weedpecker ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 9.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- The Necromancers ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 10.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Spaceslug ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 10.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Sunnata ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 10.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Dark Buddha Rising ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 10.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Wiegedood ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 10.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Yob ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 10.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Weedpecker ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 9.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- The Necromancers ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 10.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Spaceslug ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 10.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Sunnata ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 10.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Dark Buddha Rising ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 10.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Wiegedood ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 10.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Yob ("Soulstone Gathering"), Kraków "Zet Pe Te" 10.11.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
Materiały dotyczące zespołów
- My Sleeping Karma
- Weedpecker
- Palm Desert
- Black Salvation
- Ciolkowska
- Ignu
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