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galeria: Dead Man's Eyes ("Red Smoke Festival"), Pleszew 15.07.2018
19.07.2018 autor: Verghityax
wystąpili: The Devil And The Almighty Blues; Elephant Tree; Moon Coven; Major Kong; Octopussy; Dead Man's Eyes
miejsce, data: Pleszew, 15.07.2018
miejsce, data: Pleszew, 15.07.2018
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- JIRM ("Red Smoke Festival"), Pleszew 14.07.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Coogans Bluff ("Red Smoke Festival"), Pleszew 14.07.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Ufomammut ("Red Smoke Festival"), Pleszew 14.07.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Messa ("Red Smoke Festival"), Pleszew 14.07.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
- Octopussy ("Red Smoke Festival"), Pleszew 15.07.2018 (autor: Verghityax)
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