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Autor - Miki(S)
autor: Miki(S)
recenzje płyt: (15)
- Artrosis "Pośród Kwiatów i Cieni" (30.01.2000)
- Artrosis "Ukryty wymiar" (9.04.2000)
- Dead Can Dance "Dead Can Dance" (9.06.2000)
- Elend "The Umbersun" (28.02.2000)
- Emperor "Emperial Live Ceremony" (27.07.2000)
- Lux Occulta "Forever Alone Immortal" (21.04.2000)
- Moonspell "Irreligious" (23.08.2001)
- My Dying Bride "The Light at the end of the World" (27.07.2000)
- My Dying Bride "Turn Loose the Swans" (9.01.2000)
- Summoning "Stronghold" (21.04.2000)
- Theatre Of Tragedy "Aegis" (30.01.2000)
- Theatre Of Tragedy "Velvet Darkness They Fear" (18.05.2000)
- Therion "Deggial" (14.02.2000)
- Therion "Vovin" (16.01.2000)
- Tiamat "Wildhoney" (6.02.2000)
recenzje płyt: (15)
- Artrosis "Pośród Kwiatów i Cieni" (30.01.2000)
- Artrosis "Ukryty wymiar" (9.04.2000)
- Dead Can Dance "Dead Can Dance" (9.06.2000)
- Elend "The Umbersun" (28.02.2000)
- Emperor "Emperial Live Ceremony" (27.07.2000)
- Lux Occulta "Forever Alone Immortal" (21.04.2000)
- Moonspell "Irreligious" (23.08.2001)
- My Dying Bride "The Light at the end of the World" (27.07.2000)
- My Dying Bride "Turn Loose the Swans" (9.01.2000)
- Summoning "Stronghold" (21.04.2000)
- Theatre Of Tragedy "Aegis" (30.01.2000)
- Theatre Of Tragedy "Velvet Darkness They Fear" (18.05.2000)
- Therion "Deggial" (14.02.2000)
- Therion "Vovin" (16.01.2000)
- Tiamat "Wildhoney" (6.02.2000)
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