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Autor - Pablo

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autor: Pablo

recenzje płyt: (17)

- Artrosis "Fetish" (8.06.2001)
- Artrosis "In The Flowers' Shade" (24.10.2000)
- Artrosis "W Imię Nocy" (24.10.2000)
- HIM "Greatest Lovesongs vol. 666" (28.03.2000)
- HIM "Razorblade Romance" (17.04.2000)
- King Diamond "The Graveyard" (9.04.2000)
- Lebenssteuer "demo" (25.10.2000)
- Moonspell "The Butterfly Effect" (24.10.2000)
- Moonspell "Irreligious" (9.06.2000)
- Moonspell "Sin/Pecado" (9.06.2000)
- Moonspell "Wolfheart" (9.06.2000)
- Paradise Lost "Host" (27.10.2000)
- Queen "Made In Heaven" (4.05.2000)
- Theatre Of Tragedy "Aegis" (11.12.2000)
- Theatre Of Tragedy "Musique" (25.11.2000)
- Tiamat "Clouds" (18.04.2000)
- Tiamat "Skeleton Skeletron" (27.10.2000)

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