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Autor - Mrozikos667

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autor: Mrozikos667

recenzje płyt: (11)

- Akercocke "Antichrist" (1.12.2007)
- Bolt Thrower "Those Once Loyal" (10.09.2007)
- Born From Pain "War" (9.09.2007)
- Dismember "The God That Never Was" (11.09.2007)
- Dream Theater "Systematic Chaos" (11.09.2007)
- Dublin Death Patrol "DDP 4 Life" (26.11.2007)
- Machine Head "The Blackening" (16.08.2007)
- Primal Fear "New Religion" (1.12.2007)
- Primal Fear "Seven Seals" (19.08.2007)
- Threshold "Dead Reckoning" (27.11.2007)
- Trivium "Ember To Inferno" (15.08.2007)

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