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Autor - Gollum
autor: Gollum
relacje z koncertów: (1)
- My Dying Bride, Krefeld 8.02.2000 (7.03.2000)
recenzje płyt: (9)
- Arcturus "The Sham Mirrors" (13.09.2002)
- Candra "Elizjum: the Winterfields" (25.08.1999)
- Dreadful Shadows "Beyond The Maze" (2.09.1999)
- Dreadful Shadows "Buried Again" (14.12.1999)
- Dreadful Shadows "The Cycle" (1.10.1999)
- Mortiis "The Smell of Rain" (1.08.2002)
- My Dying Bride "The Light at the end of the World" (22.11.1999)
- Nightly Gale "Dream of Dark Hour" (7.02.2002)
- Nightly Gale "Erotica (Promo 1999)" (17.08.2001)
relacje z koncertów: (1)
- My Dying Bride, Krefeld 8.02.2000 (7.03.2000)
recenzje płyt: (9)
- Arcturus "The Sham Mirrors" (13.09.2002)
- Candra "Elizjum: the Winterfields" (25.08.1999)
- Dreadful Shadows "Beyond The Maze" (2.09.1999)
- Dreadful Shadows "Buried Again" (14.12.1999)
- Dreadful Shadows "The Cycle" (1.10.1999)
- Mortiis "The Smell of Rain" (1.08.2002)
- My Dying Bride "The Light at the end of the World" (22.11.1999)
- Nightly Gale "Dream of Dark Hour" (7.02.2002)
- Nightly Gale "Erotica (Promo 1999)" (17.08.2001)
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